All Courses

Introduction to Engineering


Brief overview of each of the specific fields of engineering offered as degree programs at the school. Describes the major fields of study, as well as the engineering profession in general.

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Introduction to Computers for Engineers


Intro to MATLAB, a powerful programming package for engineers. Emphasis on problem-solving skills and mathematical tools of importance in engineering.

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Analytical Physics IA


Kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, angular momentum, heat, and kinetic theory.

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General Chemistry for Engineers


Stoichiometry, states of matter, atomic and molecular structure, solutions, thermodynamics, equilibrium, oxidation-reduction, kinetics, nonmetals, metals and coordination compounds, and nuclear chemistry.

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Calculus I Math & Physics


Differential calculus of the elementary functions of a single real variable: the rational, trigonometric, & exponential functions & their inverses; Mean Value Theorem; integral calculus.

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Introduction to Sociology


Introduction to the systematic study of society and social behavior; to consider how larger structures of power and culture shape opportunities, attitudes, and behavior.

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AP Psychology


Scientific study of the mind & behavior, mental processes, brain functions, & behavior.

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Introduction to Experimentation


Laboratory illustrating basic chemical methods.

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Engineering Mechanics Statics


Classification of systems of forces & their resultants; geometrical conditions for the equilibrium of force systems; frames & trusses; friction; parabolic & catenary cables; centers of gravity.

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Analytical Physics IB


Kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, angular momentum, heat, and kinetic theory.

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Calculus II for the Mathematical & Physical Sciences


Integral calculus & its applications, the theory of infinite series and power series, parametric curves, polar coordinates, and complex numbers.

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Multivariable Calculus


Analytic geometry of three dimensions, partial derivatives, optimization techniques, multiple integrals, vectors in Euclidean space, and vector analysis.

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Analytical Physics IIA


Electrostatics, particles in electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetism, circuits, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic radiation.

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Analytical Physics II Laboratory


Laboratory to complement 01:750:227.

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Principles of Electrical Engineering I


Circuit elements, Independent sources, Dependent sources, Circuit analysis in DC & AC steady state, Network theorems, Operational amplifiers, Power Computations.

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Principles of Electrical Engineering I Laboratory


Experimental exercises in use of laboratory instruments. Voltage, current, impedance, frequency, & waveform measurements. Rudiments of circuit modeling & design.

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Digital Logic Design


Binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, K-maps, Combinational circuit synthesis, Combinational MSI circuits, Sequential logic, Synchronous state machine design, & Sequential MSI circuits.

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Digital Logic Design Laboratory


Hands-on experiments with digital circuits of increasing complexity from simple gates to state machines.

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Principles of Electrical Engineering II


Passive & active filter circuit design, transient analysis by classical methods & by Laplace Transform analysis, step & impulse response, two-port networks, Introduction to Fourier Series, & three phase circuits.

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Principles of Electrical Engineering II Laboratory


Experimental exercises in use of laboratory instruments; Filter design, construction, & simulation; measuring Fourier components of a periodic signal.

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Introduction to Computer Science


Intensive introduction to computer science. Problem solving through decomposition. Writing, debugging, & analyzing programs in Java. Algorithms for sorting & searching. Introduction to data structures, & recursion.

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Programming Methodologies I Laboratory


Laboratory course associated with Programming Methodologies I. Implementation of basic C++ programs.

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Computer Architecture & Assembly Language


Computer organization, Assembly language & machine code, computer arithmetic, ALU design, computer performance, datapath & control, pipelining, memory hierarchy, I/O devices, multiprocessor architectures.

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Differential Equations for Engineering & Physics


First & second-order ordinary differential equations; introduction to linear algebra and to systems of ordinary differential equations.

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Probability & Random Processes


Probability and its axioms, conditional probability, independence, random variables and distributions,order statistics, central limit theorem, confidence intervals.

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Linear Systems & Signals


Introduction to continuous & discrete-time systems & signals, linear time-invariant systems, Laplace & Z-transforms, frequency-domain representations using Fourier transforms.

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Computer Architecture Laboratory


Assembly language programming for one of the standard commercial RISC microprocessors. Design & implementation of a simple microprocessor-based, single-user computer.

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Data Structures


Properties of data structures and algorithms; to use these structures as tools to assist algorithm design; to extend exposure to searching, sorting & hashing techniques.

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Electronic Devices


Fundamentals of semiconductor devices & microelectronic circuits, terminal characteristics of p-n & Zener diodes, diode circuits. Principles of MOSFET & BJT operation, biasing technology, single stage transistor circuit analysis at midband frequencies.

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Introduction to Information and Network Security


Classical cryptosystems, modular arithmetic, Fermat & Euler theorem, public key cryptography, Needham-Schroeder, password systems, information theoretic security, & applications to network security.

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Engineering Economics


Economic decisions involving engineering alternatives; annual cost, present worth, rate of return, and benefit-to-cost; before and after tax replacement economy; break-even charts; unit and minimum-cost public sector studies.

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Introductory Linear Algebra


Systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrices, determinants, vectors in 2D & 3D Euclidean space, vector spaces, introduction to eigenvalues & eigenvectors.

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Professionalism and Ethics


An undergraduate seminar on the topics of Entrepreneurship, Ethics, and Professionalism.

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Introduction to Discrete Structures I


Mathematical tools of logic, induction, and basic theorems concerning relations, functions, & sets. Emphasis placed on inductive definitions & proofs.

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Software Engineering


Software development lifecycle, object-oriented software engineering, system specification, software measurement & estimation, software design patterns.

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Introduction to Computer Systems


Multicore architecture, CPU management, job scheduling, thread synchronization, cache, coherency, multicore memory management, multicore file system, & I/O.

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Digital System Design


Hardware simulation, & synthesis using the Verilog language. Design methodologies for combinational & sequential logic circuits & systems. Characteristics of fault-tolerant computer design, computer arithmetic, & advanced state machine theory.

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Sustainable Energy


Engineering economics, thermodynamics, & sociopolitical analysis; nonrenewable energy sources & technologies; analysis of all major renewable energy sources & technologies.

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Principles of Programming Languages


BNF & context free grammars; parameter passing techniques; type checking & type equivalence; Functional programming paradigm: higher-order functions, recursive data structures, programming with recursion.

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Intro to Capstone Design in ECE


Part I of Capstone; Team-oriented projects interweaving of multiple areas in ECE. Application of standards & realistic engineering constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health safety, manufacturability, & sustainability.

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Environmental Geology


Analysis of case studies related to cleaning of the environment, resources, predictions & mitigation of natural disasters, & understanding global change. Online course.

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Career Management


Course that offers wealth of resources, tips, tools, & information accessible to students throughout their professional life.

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Internet Technology


To provide a practical understanding of computer networks with respect to system architectures, protocols, & client-server interactions.

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Smart Grid


Fundamentals, design, analysis, & development of Smart Grid. Concepts of power systems, inherent elements of computational intelligence, communication technology & decision support systems.

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Hardware & System Security


Connections between hardware security & other system & application domains, such as multimedia systems, mobile computing, cloud computing, big data analytics/visualization, & Internet of things.

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Network Centric Programming


Advanced programming with a focus on developing software for networked systems using Linux as a reference platforms.

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Capstone ECE


Part II of Capstone; Team-oriented projects interweaving multiple areas in ECE with application of realistic engineering.

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